Tuesday, March 03, 2009

A sad commentary...

Typos aside, I think this is one of the saddest posts I've come across on Imamother in a long time and quite frankly makes me quite happy that I am not ultra-Orthodox.

I'm for months after birth and I have been feeling depressed lately. I believe I might have PPD and I want to get help. However, we do not have any extra money and the world being the way it is I want to get help without having to worry about future shidduch repercussions for the baby and our other children. Where can I go?

So... if she ends up going off the deep end because she has untreated PPD, THAT would be better on the shidduch resume for her kids?


Batya said...

frightening and dangerous

Leora said...

We live in a twisted world, where getting help is seen as bad for shidduchim. Excuse me, but if someone's mother knows how to ask and get help when necessary, that means emotionally-educated kids, too. Those kids will then make better spouses, because they themselves will be more emotionally in tune.

Good of you to bring this up.

Troubled And Frum said...

As someone who is struggling with depression (although not PDD) I think its important that she get help right away. Trust me, no one is going to remember twenty years from now when its time for the kid to get married.

Troubled And Frum said...

Sorry. That should have been PPD, not PDD.